Chat with Ali — 1/5/2020
Experiment stuff
- Augmented reality, face masks could be a cool direction — could even do this physically.. makeup? mask materials. Could look into drag, avant garde makeup - For cultural references — look at people doing work in this space —, other people from the ArtCenter College of Design
- The illustrative potential to explore and materialise the world is great, keep going with it if you want to
- Pairing narrative elements (character, place, action) together, smashing generativeness together — manually — design the experience e.g. poster, game, etc. OR with tools like Tracery — put in variables. And it’ll spit out a combo
- Similar — computer generated language around input
- Roleplaying games —> generative/participatory character narratives
e.g. DnD, The Quiet Year
- World building exercises to think through different possibilities/versions spaces etc. — quadrant mapping, do more research into this
Textual/creative references?
- Caliban and the Witch by Silvia Federici — a capitalist history of the body, and rebel-bodies — especially the female body/labour/Witches
- Technopaganism — Joshua Madra Technology and ritual
- A note on 'Why Witches'… bodies, bodies in communion, in relation to world and non-bodies
- VNS Matrix — South Australian art collective, similar work around tech and cyberfeminism
General tips
- World building exercises, get into it
- Little things and experiments are good for thinking through big concepts, don't write them off
- Make kit stuff now?? Make now to figure out what this is, and cull/edit later on.
- Foreground things that matter to you! Design/research agenda. Keep it fun and
- Do the blog stuff. It all counts — visual research, whatever — just write it up
- Writing-as-research — it totally can reflect the wicked anarchic energy of the topic.
- It's ok to revisit anchors/texts. Sometimes nice to forget about them and come back.
Their project
- Fictionalising history — archives, Sappho's poetry
- Queer phenomenology
- Started out looking at queer methodology and design practice --> generative poetry and vr
- VR / digital focus as partly strategic: as significant relatively unexplored technological space, hijacking it for their queer agenda
- Strengths: conceptual working through, narrowing down, pulling references and thinking around what it could be?
- Didn't really engage in participatory methods. Really clear idea of what she wanted it to be, and as a queer, just went with the vision
Action list
- Look more into these references
- I feel like I will play around with Tracery and Talk to Transformer, get back into a code space and keep switching between digital//physical?
- The world building excercise(s). Do the quadrant, and iterate !!
- I'm scared of approaching the conversation around culture and heritage, but take it slow. Do some research first.
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