Friday, May 1, 2020

CRITIQUE SUMMARY — Stuvac feedback

Feedback and notes from 20/4/2020 (write-up 2/5/2020)

Feedback from peer groups:

  • Fleshing out this cyborg//witch world — spaces to interact in, spectrums to explore, creating other vernacular objects (ephemera, articles of clothing?) --> World building
  • Diana on participatory experiments — a take on the magazine quiz? (!!)

Feedback from Zoe:
  • CODE: push it further? Is there are difference in the aesthetics of the 'cyborg' and the 'witch'? How do they play off each other? How might you start representing this in the type? Type as a sort of character in and of itself??
  • Think about the cyborg/witch as different entities. What are the audio, visual, sensory characteristics around each? The differences?
  • ID cards/illustration: push and refine! Look at references in mythology, and cultural and artistic representations. Eduardo Wolfe-Alegria, Aubrey Beardsley, Norman Lindsay, Egon Schiele, Gustav Klimt. Representations of women // femininity
  • Think about the aesthetic tensions present here, and in monsters. When does cute become creepy? When does the grotesque become sexy? 
  • Also what is the narrative here? Why are they using fake IDs? 

Action list:
  • Look up artist references from Zoe. What can you take from these? How can you keep building "strangeness" into this world/the bodies in it. 
  • Definitely take up Diana's suggestion of a witch quiz.
  • Keep world-building and following ideas or narrative paths. 
  • Revisit code soon

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