Saturday, March 21, 2020


**half-baked seminar summary from pre-isolation Week 2. Had this as a draft for days, though I would just post as is to get it out of the way and move on. 

- really interesting seeing the progression of a project, both the design and research agenda and how they did inform each other and push it forward/ into different directions
- I keep thinking about fiction and the possibilities latent/present in words and language... the Maddaddam project was an example of how design + fiction can bring about interesting conversations together --> a greater lenses of environmental and biotechnological futures

- Also similarly, I have never really tackled diagrammatic layouts and 'information design', but starting to unpack the conventions of this type of design, and how it is constructed, it's something I'll keep thinking about.  
- The really structured formal processes of thinking through, and the recording of, your own work, and hearing Zoe talk through it, and even writing these seminar summaries and experiment logs, is helping me understand the kind of practice that I am building towards. Critical practice is rigorous, and my process has never really been consciously structured in a way that actually feeds my own ability to reflect, and engage in 'criticality'. And in this strange in-between of classes, i'm itching to consolidate some of these ideas and generate my own experiments. 

I found the ideas presented here around Johanna Drucker's Graphesis (2011) very insightful, and having read part of it now for Friday's Theorisation class, I do better understand how 'thinking through making', and playing with the subversion of meaning, offered a certain kind of insight into Drucker's argument.

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